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icorp investigations private investigator

Surveillance Goals

A typical day for an insurance surveillance private investigator consists of providing a midday update to let the case manager know how the investigation is going. Providing detailed information to the case manager is imperative so they can can make an informed decision on next steps with the case.  How the claimant is moving is often an item rookie investigators tend to forget in an update. They seem to be more interested in places and locations of where they might have traveled. However, for many claims investigations, the way the claimant is moving is the most important aspect of the investigation. The surveillance investigator should be aware of their injury and restriction in order to film the claimant properly.

Below is a list of items private investigators should be aware of when filming the claimant.


  • Pay close attention to how the subject walks
  • Pay close attention to how the subject limps
  • Pay close attention to how the subject uses a cane
  • Pay close attention to how the subject uses a brace on leg

Pay special attention to whether the subject:

  • Has a “dropped foot”, that means does the subject’s foot slap on the ground as a they walk
  • Stutter step  up or down stairs
  • Do they hold handrail or do they lean on someone else to walk, which side.
  • Do they Drive?
  • How do they get into the car?
  • Do they swing both legs into the car at the same time?
  • Do they use their hands or arm to assist pulling their legs into the car?
  • Do they have a Handicap Permit?