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private investigator safety first

The safety of our private investigators, subjects, and the general public is the most important thing to ICORP Investigations. It is paramount consideration. Surveillance can be very intense at times and situations arise that cannot be predicted. It is for this, and many other reasons that the investigators must always be vigilant as to their own safety and the safety of everyone else around them. Below is a list that all insurance claims surveillance investigators should know.

  • Rule #1. Safety first!
  • The investigators’s focus should primarily be on safety, and on the subject; surveillance should be secondary.
  • Driving, following, filming & foot surveillance all have inherent dangers associated with each activity. If a private investigator is ever in danger, or feel that your are not in a safe place, the investigator should leave immediately! Surveillance can always be conducted on another day.
  • Always have a cell phone on your person at all times so if you need help, you can call the police or 911 or someone else who can assist you.
  • Always keep you car doors locked while on surveillance at all times.
  • Never put yourself in danger!
  • Never jeopardize the safety of the subject.
  • Always be careful and responsible for the safety of the public around you.
  • Never be confrontational with anyone. Be the bigger person, the more responsible person.  Use diplomacy to handle all situations. Use the proper voice tones and body language to diffuse the situation. Remember, you are at work, this is your job, this is not personal time.
  • Never be confrontational with the subject.
  • Call the lead investigator once your are safe, or have reached safety to discuss what happened.